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Special Blends, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Hair Loss, Psoriasis, Alopecia, Hashimoto, Medicinal Formulas


This shampoo is great for sensitive scalps. Contains no chemicals or alcohols. Also great for all variety of hair textures. All organic oils and Pure Essential Oils. No greasy feeling, not drying.

Aloe vera consist as much as 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 active enzymes. Aloe vera contains Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and B12, Vitamin C and E, folic acid and Niacin. Minerals found in aloe vera include copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium and manganese. The nutrients naturally present in aloe vera makes it a potential herbal product that can be safely used both internally and externally. This exotic plant contains other beneficial compounds like polysaccharides, mannans, anthraquinones and lectins. The presence of these nutrients makes it possible to use aloe vera for variety of therapeutic purposes.

Available without fragrance also, for fragrance sensitive scalps.

Vitamin Enriched Formula Shampoo

  • Ingredients: water, Glycerin , Vitamin E, aloe vera, argan oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, pure essential oils

  • Lavender essential oil is great for all types of hair, encourages hair growth, and is very helpful for treating dandruff and/or psoriasis of the scalp. Lavender essential oil nourishes and moisturizes scalp and improves hair growth by increasing blood circulation. In addition, lavender oil is very helpful in reducing stress. High stress levels can lead to many common hair and scalp issues, especially hair loss and alopecia arreata (baldness).

    Lavender oil possesses hair growth-promoting effects. In a 2016 animal study, topical application of lavender oil proved to significantly increase the number of hair follicles in females. Lavender oil was also able to deepen the depth of hair follicles and thicken the thermal layer.

    Lavender oil has antimicrobial properties, and it can be used to combat bacterial and fungal disorders. Some other lavender oil benefits are its ability to soothe the scalp and heal dry skin and hair. Plus, because emotional stress is a factor that can contribute to thinning hair, lavender oil can be used to create a tranquil and stress-free environment. With calming and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps soothe the skin while also promoting new skin growth and healing.

    Rosemary is also one of the few essential oils that work well for all hair types. Rosemary essential oil encourages hair growth and has been successfully used in the treatment of alopecia arreata (baldness) especially when blended with Lavender. It’s an excellent oil for dry hair and is helpful for treating both dandruff and psoriasis. Rosemary stimulates hair growth by dilating blood vessels and stimulating cell division, which results in faster hair growth and healthier hair.

    Rosemary oil is one of the top essential oils for hair thickness and growth. It is used to increase cellular metabolism, which stimulates hair growth and promotes healing. Research even shows that rosemary oil appears to work as well as minoxidil, a conventional topical hair loss treatment. When it comes to boosting your hair health, the benefits of rosemary oil also include preventing baldness, slowing the graying process and treating dandruff and dry scalp.

    Sage essential oil encourages hair growth, cleanses and purifies the scalp, balances scalp oils, and helps to normalize hormone levels. You don’t want to use sage oil on children, or if you’re pregnant. In either case, substitute clary sage in its place.

    Lemon essential oil will strengthen your hair and help prevent greasiness. It can be used for normal or oily hair. 

    Chamomile essential oil is a good choice if your hair is dry to normal. It helps treat dry and itchy scalp and is a great natural highlighter.
    Chamomile oil is a great essential oil for hair because it adds shine and softness to your hair while soothing your scalp.

    ***Did you know that chamomile essential oil can be used to lighten your hair naturally?
    Research suggests that 50 percent of women dye their hair regularly and feel more attractive right after having their hair dyed, but conventional hair products that are used to lighten hair contain dangerous chemicals that can cause numerous health risks. Choosing a natural alternative will ensure that you aren’t being exposed to unhealthy hair dyeing products like formaldehyde and bleach (hydroxide peroxide).

    Cedarwood is used to help stimulate the hair follicles by increasing circulation to the scalp. It can promote hair growth and slow hair loss; it can also treat thinning hair and various types of alopecia.

    Clary Sage
    An important ester in clary sage oil called linalyl acetate reduces skin inflammation and regulates the production of oil on the skin. Clary sage also works as a natural remedy for rashes, and it works as an antibacterial agent. But maybe most importantly, clary sage can be used to help you relieve stress and balance hormones. Three types of hair loss can be associated with high stress levels: telogen effluvium, trichotillomania (hair pulling) and alopecia areata. Because clary sage can be used to help relieve stress and reduce cortisol levels in the body, it works as a natural remedy for stress-induced hair loss. 

    Clary sage can help to regulate oil production on the skin, helping you to avoid scaly or flaky patches that lead to dandruff. Clary sage helps to ease stress, which is associated with hair loss.

    Lemongrass essential oil has healing properties, and it works as an effective cleanser and deodorizer. It can strengthen your hair follicles and soothe an itchy and irritated scalp. In fact, a 2015 study found that the application of lemongrass oil reduced dandruff significantly after seven days and increased the effect even more after 14 days of topical application. 

    Some bonus benefits of lemongrass oil include its ability to relieve stress (which is associated with hair loss) and treat headaches.

    Frankincense Cures Dandruff and provides relief from dandruff if used regularly. Frankincense oil is known to make the hair roots stronger, putting a stop to hair loss, shiny hair and giving way to healthier hair.
    Frankincense, with antiseptic, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, frankincense can help provide relief for stubborn psoriasis patches.

    Myrrh is excellent at healing the chapped, flakey and cracked skin of psoriasis patches.

    Geranium is great at improving circulation and decreasing inflammation. It also helps relieve stress.

    Peppermint oil can be cooling to the scalp. It helps get rid of dandruff and fights head lice. It improves dry scalp conditions. It stimulates hair follicles, binds to hair roots, increases blood circulation and is a beneficial treatment for hair loss and also promote hair growth. Peppermint oil acts as an astringent for the scalp by reducing oils, without leaving a grimy feeling. It conditions, adds luster, shine and manageability to hair. 

    Peppermint oil helps to stimulate the scalp, and it can treat dandruff and even lice due to its powerful antiseptic properties. Research shows that peppermint oil promotes hair growth, too. In a 2014 animal study, topical application of peppermint oil for four weeks showed prominent hair growth effects, increasing dermal thickness, follicle number and follicle depth. 

    Peppermint has a pleasant cooling sensation when applied topically, and it helps calming effects help to reduce skin inflammation. In addition to these peppermint oil uses, it also works to energize your mind, boost your mood and relieve tension or headaches.
    Here are some other suggested essential oil Blends for hair if you have a specific problem. 

    Clarifying Blend: lavender, rosemary and lemon.

    Dandruff Blend #1: lavender, wintergreen, cypress, rosemary and thyme.

    Dandruff Blend #2 (for Severe Seborrheic Dermatitis): Neem Seed Oil, Tea Tree, Himalayan Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosemary, Patchouli, Oregano, Peppermint, Eucalyptus

    Dry Scalp Blend: geranium, sandalwood, lavender, rosemary, and wintergreen

    Fragile Hair Blend: clary sage, lavender, thyme, sandalwood, wintergreen, chamomile

    Greasy/Oily Hair Blend: basil, cypress, thyme, lemon, rosemary

    Growth Blend (TO STIMULATE): thyme, lavender, rosemary, ylang ylang, sage, geranium, lemon, grapefruit

    Alopecia (Hair Thinning): Cedarwood, thyme, rosemary and lavender

    Itching Scalp Blend: peppermint, lavender, chamomile

    Hair Loss Blend: rosemary, lavender, thyme, ylang ylang, wintergreen, lemon, cypress, chamomile

    Lupus Blend (Hair loss) – thyme, frankincense, eucalyptus, lavender

    Psoriasis Blend: Neem oil, Lavender, Frankincense, Myrrh, Geranium

    Hashimoto’s/hypothyroidism Blend: lemongrass, peppermint, frankincense, myrrh, cedarwood,rose geranium

    ***Special Mixed Blend: Combining Fragile Hair Blend, Growth Blend & Hair Loss Blend Contains: clary sage, lavender, thyme, sandalwood, wintergreen, chamomile, rosemary, ylang ylang, cypress

    You can request to leave out a specific essential oil if you choose (because maybe you know you hate the scent).
    Just let me know upon ordering.

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