Peppermint Spearmint Essential Oils for your Skin and Hair -
How they can help....
Peppermint or Spearmint- How it helps your skin ~
Choose a Mint for softer and clearer skin
Treatment of Acne:
Mint is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to soften and calm dry or itchy skin.
Mint also hydrate and moisturize your skin.
Not just that, this is also a great way to remove or lighten pimple marks.
Mint a natural astringent and is helpful in treating inflammations such as acne due to its high content of salicylic acid.
What makes mint a beneficial ingredient for skin care is its ability to act as an anti-pruritic agent.
Because mint contains vitamin A, it may strengthen skin tissue and help reduce oily skin.
Peppermint or Spearmint- How it helps your hair ~
Peppermint oil can be cooling to the scalp.
It helps get rid of dandruff and fights head lice. It improves dry scalp conditions.
It stimulates hair follicles, binds to hair roots, increases blood circulation and is a beneficial treatment for hair loss and also promote hair growth.
Peppermint oil acts as an astringent for the scalp by reducing oils, without leaving a grimy feeling. It conditions, adds luster, shine and manageability to hair.
Spearmint oil can produce a soothing or calming effect on the brain, for which it is used in aromatherapy.
Has similar benefits for hair as Peppermint, yet is more mild.
This oil can help reduce stress and anxiety by inducing the mind to relax.